LINGUA FRANCA, Willamette Valley, OR




Of the Land

At precisely 4 pm on December 31st, 2012, Larry completed this once-in-a-lifetime acquisition. The Janzen Farm, sought after for over 40 years by the finest names in Oregon winemaking, was now in his hands to develop.



Following low-impact, organic, and biodynamic farming principles under the guidance of dear friend and renowned regenerative viticulturist Mimi Casteel, our estate vineyard was planted with different combinations of rootstock and budwood to reflect the varying soil conditions within the vineyard.



The exceptional fruit produced from this land showcased unparalleled purity and elegance, capturing the attention of esteemed white wine producer Dominique Lafon.

The Legacy


Widely respected as one of the top winemakers in Burgundy, Dominique Lafon took notice of this exceptional vineyard site and joined Larry Stone, alongside winemaking protégé Thomas Savre, to craft uniquely expressive wines harnessing the unique terroir of Oregon.



The Willamette Valley is an ideal location to grow Pinot Noir and Chardonnay. Its average seasonal temperatures, long daylight hours in the summer months, and total annual rainfall resemble the conditions in Burgundy, where the fruit attains uncontested perfection. All of our work is guided by respect for the environment, encouraging healthy diversity of life around and among us.


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